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Cross-Institutional Initiatives

Cornell is an amazing place with lots of opportunities to get involved in undergraduate research! There are colleges, there are schools and there are departments. In addition, there are institutes and centers that cross-college boundaries and can be great places to look for research opportunities.

Summer Opportunities

Summer is an excellent time to get involved in research, or to learn new research skills and systems. There are hundreds of summer research programs in the US and abroad, as well as opportunities to work with individual faculty.

Weill Medical Opportunities

Weill Medical School in New York is an excellent place to look for a summer research opportunity. They host a number of summer programs for students interested in bio-medical research, and individual faculty host students in their labs.

Research by the Numbers


Cornell students who earned credit for their research efforts in 2011


Undergraduates who earned credit for participating in research during the course of their study at Cornell during the 2011-12 academic year


The number of hours a typical senior science major spends each week in the lab while participating in a faculty-led research project


The average weekly reading load for a humanities major participating in a faculty-led research project